Tuesday, February 10, 2009

unique lighting

Megan Auman launched her home collection line which includes the lighting above.  The light fixtures are made from laser cut steel with a powder coating and are produced in PA.  The company that I work for sells laser machines in PA- I want to find out if Megan is using one of our lasers to cut her the steel, that would be so cool!  
I want to purchase these for somewhere in my new home...maybe in the downstairs bathroom...a few of them in a row above the kitchen island??  You can purchase the lights on Megan's etsy page along with other cool laser cut stuff.  

Monday, February 9, 2009

Bind Pilot at The Beachland Tavern April 2

Blind Pilot is stopping in Cleveland on their tour!  Buy your tickets here.  I'm assuming they'll sell out fast being that the show is in the Beachland Tavern (small venue), which excites me because how awesome will it be to see them live in an intimate setting like the Beachland Tavern?  I bought my tickets today!  Listen to Blind Pilot here.  

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Creative Headboards

white christmas lights hung in a heart shape, they then tied pretty little ribbons throughout.  so sweet!
hang your favorite dress above your bed, it's a simple touch but it can look so pretty
patchwork wallpaper
repurpose a door- you can also turn it sideways 
mirrors from Ikea
you can't make a headboard much more simple- use an existing window
paint your favorite love song lyrics on canvas and put it up above your bed
a sheet of stained plywood 
make use of your scarf collection and arrange them on the wall above your bed
blow up your favorite picture and print it out in tiles and arrange as a headboard- this is one of my favorites!  go to readymade for instructions on how to make this
how dreamy- hang two white sheets from the ceiling and in the middle string white crishtmas lights- so pretty and romantic when illuminated at night
make a stencil and paint your headboard onto the wall
This is a felt stretched on a wood frame with felt flower cut outs sewn onto it
 I love the white on white, it really becomes all about texture when you use the same color
a cool antique wood carving scultpure
paint a canvas your favorite color- this yellow really pops in the white and black room

Stop Motion Video: Her Morning Elegance

This song is titled, "Her Morning Elegance" and it's by Oren Lavie.
I love this stop motion animation. Can you imagine how many pictures were shot to make this?

Monday, February 2, 2009

44 times two

44 times two is a picture blog done over a 44 week time span with two photographers; twice a week they paired two photographs together of random images of which they sent each other.  The blog is a posting of these photographs- very interesting.  "Without distance or space, we cannot gain perspective. Without color, the monochrome has no life, and in return, colour lacks substance" Allison. Charlotte  All images above are from 44 times two.

  There are a few other blogs that I know of which have done similar postings such as; 3191, before & after, how we say hello, noticing project, and we make words.  I would love to do this with somebody...anyone out there wanting to explore with me?  Please leave me a comment if you have any  interest in doing this...even if it is just over a short time span. 

Friday, January 30, 2009

fear and happiness

"each time we choose safety, we reinforce fear"
Cheri Huber

let go

stop holding on to safety

you will find happiness in the end

All pictures are by Ryan McGinley

Last night I was scared to go snowmobiling with my husband in the dark in some deep deep snow ( 2 more inches and we'll beat the record high of snowfall in January since the 70's).  I was holding onto the safety of which my warm home provides and the safety of not taking any chances on a snowmobile.  Finally, I decided NOT to hold onto this safety and I went snowmobiling.  I had so much fun!  Yes, I did crash into a tree LOL, but I didn't get hurt.  I ended up seeing something that I wasn't expecting- my husband's sweet and caring side for me.  I need to remind myself to not hold onto safety- let go- and find happiness.